Mwanaume moja wa miaka 38 ameponea kifo baada ya jaribio la kujitoa uhai kwa kujinyonga kutibuka usiku wa kuamkia leo katika kijiji cha Soweto mjini Laisamis kaunti ya Marsabit.
February 7, 2025
Radio Jangwani is a Catholic station owned by the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit and our main course is to promote PEACE AND RECONCILIATION in Marsabit County and the neighbouring Counties.
As a Catholic Radio we emphasize and encourage observation of professional conduct of our staff always wherever they are.
This complaints procedure is set to facilitate mediation and or conciliation of disputes between us and our clients. The procedure is undertaken by board of management at Radio Jangwani.
The board consists of nine members appointed by his Lordship Bishop Peter Kihara Kariuki, the Catholic Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit.
The decisions of the board are free and independent of Radio Jangwani and the Bishop.
Any person aggrieved by any broadcast or any publication on our website may raise a complaint against us either verbally or may make a written complain in English or Swahili to the Director Radio Jangwani outlining the grounds for the complain and the remedy sought.
Should a complainant not be conversant with either English or Swahili, they would be required to submit their complains in the language they are comfortable with and we will find someone to translate to us. We will also find a sign interpreter for those who cannot speak or write because of some form of disability.
Those with disability are encouraged to present their complains immediately they feel aggrieved in any way. They are also advised to get assistance from experts in line with their disability.
When making a complain any aggrieved person who can read and write is required to fill a complains form in our website or which is readily available in our offices. In this form the person is required to state the damage or injury caused and the remedy they are seeking. Whoever feels this form must remain with a copy with them and submit another copy to the Director who will forward the complaint to the board of management.
In making its decisions the board is guided by the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya (Second Schedule, The Media Act) and any other professional conduct guidelines that may be found relevant to the complain lodged.
The code of conduct that must be observed always incorporates the “dos and don’ts” of the media practitioners including fairness and accuracy, right of reply, using unnamed sources, misrepresentation, privacy, use of pictures/photos and names, integrity, accountability, obscenity and bad taste, intrusion into grief and shock, protection of children and victims of sexual violence, acts of violence and hate speech/propagating hate speech.
In the event any aggrieved client is not satisfied by the finding and the decisions of the board, they are advised to lodge the complain to the Communications Authority of Kenya or The Media Council of Kenya depending on the nature of the complain.
Below is the Radio Jangwani Complains Procedure:
Anyone is entitled to make any complain either against the Radio or its staff for any offenses to the board of management of the Radio.
One is required to fill out Complain Form available in our website and at our offices or for those who cannot read and write can go ahead and raise the complain with the Director of the Radio who will forward the complain to the Board of management.
Written complains shall be sent to the Director Radio Jangwani, Marsabit Catholic Diocese P.O BOX 6-60500, Marsabit. Along Bishop Cavallera road, mobile number 0 723 814 033 or email to us directly
Complains are received by the Director, Reverend Father Ibrahim Racho who then proceeds to forward the case to the board of management for handling.
The aggrieved person will be required to state the nature of the injury or damage suffered and the remedy sought.
The complain should be made within six (6) months from the date of harm caused.
Upon receipt of a complain, the board of management shall notify, in writing, the party against whom the complain has been made, within fourteen-days of receipt of the complain, stating the nature of the complain, the breach of act or omission complained of and the date on which the matter shall be considered by the board.
The notice referred shall require the person against whom the complain is made to respond to the complain in writing or appear before it at the hearing of the complain.
After considering each party’s submissions, the board shall then conduct a preliminary assessment to determine the admissibility or otherwise of the complains lodged within fourteen days.
After undertaking a preliminary assessment of the matter the board and being of the opinion that the complaint is devoid of merit or substance, dismiss such complain with clear and easy to understand reasons.
If the board of management considers beyond all reasonable doubt that there is a breach of the Act or Code and the complainan is aggrieved, it may facilitate an early resolution of the complain by a referral to an inter parties mediation process within three days.
The mediation process shall be voluntary, private and confidential.
Where the mediation fails or the parties or either of them objects to any mediation efforts, the board shall go ahead and continue with the full hearing.
After hearing the board may issue any decision as it deems appropriate and give directions in connection with the complain.
The board may make the following orders
a) Order the offending party to publish an apology and correction in such manner as the board may specify;
b) Order the return, repair, or replacement of any equipment or material confiscated or destroyed.
c) Order the offending staff or the author of the on-line material to publish the board’s decision in such manner as specified by the board.
d) The board may impose a fine as outlined by the law, the Communications Authority of Kenya or the Media Council of Kenya.
g) Recommend to the Director through the Human Resource manager, the suspension or sucking of the staff involved.
h) Make any supplementary or ancillary orders or directions that maybe necessary for carrying into effect orders of the board.
A party aggrieved by the decision of the board may within fourteen days (14) days make an appeal to either the Communications Authority of Kenya or the Media Council of Kenya.